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Friday, June 18, 2010

The Development of ground allotment for entrance to Washington Park

Part of the abstract of our house in the Historic West Side Neighborhood describes how the land for Washington Park was conveyed.
In 1893 an Illinois Statute was inacted titled "An Act to Provide for the Creation of Pleasure Driveways and Park Districts." A pleasure driveway was a place for pleasant rides with horse and buggy or carriage and ladies in long stylish dresses and striking hats. It was a destination for a relaxing drive while admiring the scenery and having casual conversation (although a few couples did get engaged at the park!).

Part of the land was provided by Louisa Black, an heir to the John Williams estate.  Here is where it is mentioned in the abstract of our house (please excuse the poor photo copy)----
Click on images to enlarge them.

A further description appears lower on the page--

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