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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Home with Naturalist History on 705 W. Vine St.

Built in 1924, This sturdy bungalow was the home base for Virginia Eifert as she traveled in the Midwest writing about our abundant nature. Mrs. Eifert produced eighteen volumes of nature writing, cultural history, and biography, along with hundreds of articles on natural history subjects.

Virginia at the Illinois State Museum

For more information on Virginia's legacy to nature, please be sure to visit this link:

 The 2 to 3 bedroom home has wonderful details in the brick and substantial porch pillars. Her son, Larry Eifert ( ) has shared the following photographs of the interior home as it was when he grew up there:

Gracious Dining table in 1942

Fireplace in 1942

The Dining table reflects Virginia's travels

The House appearance has evolved since it was built. Here is a 1940's photograph:

A most wonderful front door.

This ad appears to be from the 1950's and I believe the porch must have been enclosed by this time:

1967 photograph


David B. said...

This is a great story. I went through that home when it was for sale a couple years ago. I sure wish I had seen this article first.

Your blog is great, I have lived in this neighborhood most of my life it is great to learn so much about it.

David B.

funks2 said...

Thank you David for your kind comment. I love this neighborhood and love that we have a great history in these older homes.